Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Gus Week!

The first part of the week was spent eating good food in Chicago.
Gustatorial delight.

Tomorrow, I go to see Guster at the MSU Auditorium.
Gustertorial delight.

Please celebrate Gus week by listening to one of my favorite bands:
"Fa Fa" for the uninitiated,
"Come Downstairs and Say Hello" for casual fans looking for something new.

If you're against Guster for some reason, please visit 2121 N. Clark in Chicago, and have yourself a Pizza Pot Pie at Chicago Pizza and Grinder.

Happy Gus Week.

Coolie out.

You are a man of the world, well travelled and versed in all manners of prose. Thank you for your wonderful depiction of the Chicago pizza pie.

Cheney 2008! Any man that can take down an attorney and not face charges, I'd be proud to call him my Commander in Chief!
My pleasure J/G.

And, may I just say:


Cheney '08?
My God, I hope we've learned some things about the intentions of those "in charge" in the last few years.

And speaking of $4.00 gas prices, I saw a truly freaky bumper sticker last week: Condi '08.

Listen people. Just 'cause a few creepy politicos can make your name into something cute does not mean that a person is meant to be president. I mean, Emenem is a clever moniker, but I don't want to see Kim as first lady, aaaaiiight?

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