Wednesday, May 25, 2005


AC1: May 25th, 2005: Gorillaz - Feel Good, Inc.

In maybe the quickest move from Deckie to "Can't Live Without" song of the day, the new Gorillaz cut is tearing up the AC world right now.

I've been a fan of Damon Albarn for a long time (since a friend took a risk on Blur's Parklife over 10 years ago...), and I like what he tried on the first Gorillaz album. I have to admit, it took me by surprise, and I didn't like it as much as my favorite Blur CDs. But then came Think Tank and I was finally ready to see what else the Gorillaz had to offer.

I'm not up on the whole "animated band" thing, so if any good reader wants to fill in the holes on what "character" Albarn is, we'll toss a Cool Point Bone your way... But all I know is that this song is irresistible (at least after the 5th or 6th listen). My iTunes has already registered it as a Top 25 Most Played song (a list that hasn't seen an entry since January - it currently takes 43 full listens to make the bottom spot...), and I still can't get enough.

That, ladies and gents, is the hallmark of an AC1.

We'll see, though, if it drops back to Deckie as quickly...

Hmmm. So what makes this so good? I think that deep down, the disparate parts just shouldn't work together. The Albarn lilt is used as both the primary vocal and a few sampled effects. De La Soul manages to drop in without tossing "Plugs" everywhere. And in the end, the random guitar and bouncy bass takes this up above other contenders for Summer Radio Groove Number 1.

Let's watch what happens... But for now, this cut's got AC Feeling Good....Incorporatedly so.

Cool Points:
"Feel Good, Inc.": 5 (plus 1 Deckie pt.)
Albarn: 2
Gorillaz: 1
Parklife: 1
Great Escape:5 (because I'm the only one that likes the album! Deal with it!)
De La Soul: (Plug) 1

Interesting Note: Spell Check wants me to replace "Parklife" with "forklift". I actually had to think about that one...

"Sweet" Deal!
Cool Point for Sauce!
No breakfast for ACoolKid.
Been listening to "Dirty Harry" for a few weeks. Fun stuff. As far as cartoon bands go, these apes are a Jem.
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