Tuesday, July 19, 2005


AC WEEK! Celebrate with some new music!

Discovery Channel gets all the attention this week, by bringing "Shark Week" to the world.

Well, that's just not fair. They didn't invent sharks, and really, after a few years of Shark Weeks, how much is there left to discuss? I think I'd rather enjoy Termite Week, or Giraffe Week, just for something a little different.

So, to steal some of the thunder, we're declaring this AC Week, with a new AC every day! Starting Tonight. ACs are all ours. We made 'em, you and I. We share 'em, you and I. And now, we'll flaunt them! YOU AND I!


So frickin' dig in. I think you'll like what you find, and it's a lot safer than dealing with sharks, I'll tell you that...

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