Thursday, January 25, 2007


Scat Singing

By now, you know of my lack of enthusiasm for cursing. Especially in music. I tolerate it, but it disappoints me. My reasoning is and always has been: There are better ways to express yourself. The English language is rich and varied, and by resorting to the lowest common denominator to get your meaning across, you bring our should-be-cherished language legacy down a coupla pegs. All I'm asking is that the world try to express themselves more clearly before resorting to cursing.

That said, the S-word is the one curse I truly do not understand. (Well, that and "F'in-A," that's about as dumb as it gets...) The main reason I don't get the use of the S-word is because it's a really disgusting accent in any use, but people actually do use it to color their language (brown, natch). People seem to strive to give the S-word new meanings and new life, and embrace it in so many ways. This topic was covered in acute accuracy by Subjunctivitis. [Though that's not the post I was looking for. Babe, if you can help me find the right one, I'll link it up right...]

I bring this up, mainly because there are two songs right now that I LOVE, and they would be AC1s, if it weren't for the appearance of the S-dashes on the lyric sheet. The bands' adherence to the scatological means that they will be discussed here instead of as an AC1, and will, instead, forever be known as simply being, um, "crappy" songs.

The first one: The Age Ring's "Everything'll Fall Apart." Stripped-down rock, both angsty and nonchalant. And as the bass moves you along, and the drums pummel you forward, and we start to understand that things in life have a tendency to go south. But midway through the song, we are then told that despite our best efforts, "Everything just turns to s---." Okay... I've had to start selectively ignoring that line when it comes around, because I have a very vivid imagination. I used to work on a Turkey Farm cleaning out the birds' stalls, and the thought of EVERYTHING turning to poo is deeeeeeeply disturbing to me.

The second: My Chemical Romance's "Teenagers." The odd pretentiousness of MCR on their first album has finally worn off, I guess, becauwe I actually find most of The Black Parade rather intriguing. This stomp-rock song, even though it really could use a lot of general lyrical assistance, is pretty cool. But the chorus includes a line about "Teenagers scare the living s--- out of me." Whoa, that's a phrase, innit? And being that it's in the chorus, it pops up a lot more often than the Age Ring curse, and is much harder to ignore. Sooo, I don't listen to "Teenagers" too much. Again, the thought (here, of undead defecation making its way out of the lead singer) is enough to turn me away. And it's enough to make sure I never go to see them in concert again. I'd hate to be their stage manager, 'sall I'm sayin'.

I know I'm not a role model here, and even if I were to become a superstar musician that didn't swear, I know it wouldn't change the way things are for bands like Age Ring and MCR. But I do want to get my opinion out there. It makes me feel better anyway...

Now, if you like the s-word, and would like to stand in defense of defecating deliberators, then all assail. Just, um, try to keep it clean, wouldja?

Scat singing.
[insert Winnie the Pooh joke here]
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